
Grace Goh

Grace Goh, our volunteer driver exudes so much positive energy that you are bound to be inspired.

She has been volunteering with FBSG since September 2021. As a member of the Pink Car Club, she also volunteered her time to participate in our regional #DriveHungerAway edition this year. She was impressed by how well the event was organised and loved how it felt like being a part of a fun carnival.

Besides being a volunteer with FBSG, Grace also works with an animal shelter to support their cause.

“My approach towards volunteer/charity work is like exercise. It’s not always comfortable but it’s ultimately always good for you.

I often tell people that there’s so many types of exercise we can do, the important thing is to find the one that you enjoy,
and then it will be easier to stick with it and make it a habit.
So likewise, for charity work, there are so many different options out there, we just need to find a cause that we can identify with,
and if the organisation’s options for volunteer work matches your needs, then the fit is right, and it will be easy to continue helping regularly.”

If you too are looking for volunteering opportunities with FBSG, send an email to and we will match you to an opportunity that best suits your skills. See you soon!


Cycling Enthusiasts

Meet this unique band of cyclists on a mission: “Saying NO to Starvation”. What started with 2 members in 2021, is now a dedicated group of over 20 members.

The group sets a weekly riding goal, and donates to FBSG based on the number of kilometers they ride. They donate via cash, food, and/or volunteer hours at the FBSG warehouse.

Be sure to holler and cheer on these cycling enthusiasts as they zip past in their sharp jerseys flashing the FBSG logo.


Junior Club Volunteers

This summer a passionate team of 19 students from Singapore University of Social Sciences ( conducted Juniors Club workshops at FBSG. They ran 8 sessions for two separate age groups. The Junior Foodbankers had an opportunity to learn about food waste in a highly engaged and super fun manner!

Students from the SUSS group shared, “We were very appreciative of the flexibility we had working with Foodbank. We had complete freedom to decide on details like time commitment, frequency, planning and execution.”

A Big Thank you to our young changemakers for their enthusiasm and support.


Mike Woon

Meet Mike Woon, FBSG’s superstar volunteer driver.

In 2019, Mike responded to our request for volunteers for our ‘Drive Hunger Away’ event, and he hasn’t stopped since! In fact in 2021, he recruited his son, to volunteer for the same event. They ended up having a great father-son duo bonding time.

Come rain or shine, Mike is always there. He is diligent and dependable, always willing to go the extra mile.

Mike is an outspoken supporter of FBSG. He shares with pride his experiences with distributing emergency food rations: “The ones who are always very excited to see me are the kids who are very eager to receive the “goodie” bags. It never fails to bring me extreme joy whenever I see them all excitedly asking, Uncle, what did you bring for us?”

To learn more about how you too can contribute to our community and be part of this gratifying experience, email us at


Mrs. Jacqueline Heng-Tay

Mrs. Jacqueline Heng-Tay (@jacquetlc) is FBSG’s multifunctional volunteer. She helps volunteer as a driver, covering as many locations as possible, and also helps with packing food bundles at our warehouse. Mrs. Heng occasionally brings along her daughter for emergency ration distributions, and is already planting the seeds of community involvement in the next generation!

Mrs. Heng loves the flexibility of volunteering with FBSG at her own pace and schedule. “FBSG is one of the easiest organizations to work with. They do not need you to promise them a confirmed weekly time slot. We just spontaneously chip in, if we are available that week.”

She shares that working in an environment with like-minded people brings her immense joy and a great sense of accomplishment.

FBSG is continuously looking for volunteer support to accomplish our goal of ending food insecurity in Singapore. Connect with us today and join our mission:


Ranjeet Singh Sibia

Meet Ranjeet Singh Sibia, a successful entrepreneur and investment professional.

Ranjeet began volunteering with FBSG in July 2021, and has since already completed over 100 hours of community service! He has done it all – everything from collecting, sorting, to distributing food.

Ranjeet is now a regular at FBSG. He values the “excellent work ethic and high degree of professionalism with which FBSG’s staff and volunteers work on a shared mission: One Team, for One Goal”.

Ranjeet’s message is simple: “Volunteering even for a few hours benefits our community exponentially. For example, a group of 5 volunteers working a 3-hour shift can pack a whole week of food supplies for 100+ families! Going back at the end of the day, knowing one has made a tangible difference is an amazing feeling.”

Thank you Ranjeet for joining our mission to end #foodinsecurity, and for bringing hot meals to those in need!


Glynn Maung

Glynn Maung is an Executive Chef at a FBSG partner NGO.  His impressive work history includes a stint in Europe working with a Michelin Star Chef, as well as working at the Marina Bay Sands.

8 years ago, Glynn left that glitzy corporate life behind him and moved to the nonprofit sector. He has since discovered true joy in cooking meals for the beneficiaries at his NGO.
Glynn is also a huge supporter of FBSG, where he volunteers as a Loading Bay Assistant. He supports drivers in loading/ unloading items for beneficiaries all across Singapore.

Glynn believes that “Food always brings comfort to everyone.” He is an activist that puts his skills and beliefs to action by serving his community in various capacities.

We are grateful for the support of our volunteers. Learn more about volunteering opportunities at FBSG. Connect with us now!


Rosendo Lara Leon

osendo Lara Leon (@rosendolaraleon )is passionate about sustainability and advocates living better without compromising natural resources. With all his higher education and degrees focused on environmental science, environmental planning, and sustainable development, he is in fact very qualified in the field too!

Rosendo is a regular at FBSG. He volunteers in the warehouse, packing or distributing food bundles. He also helps with event management with projects like ‘Drive Hunger Away’.

“I feel that FBSG is the perfect solution to food wastage. It redistributes food which would otherwise end up in landfills. I am thrilled to be able to volunteer in an organisation that battles food waste and food insecurity.”

Join Rosendo and many others as they volunteer their time with FBSG. Learn more about the available volunteering opportunities at FBSG. Connect with us now!


Colleen Tan

Ms. Colleen Tan has been associated with FBSG since 2017. She volunteers at the warehouse (food packaging and distribution), and with FBSG events. Even the Covid lockdowns didn’t impede Ms. Tan’s commitment. She drove with her husband delivering meals to a family service centre for vulnerable recipients.

“I choose to volunteer at FBSG as they’re very well organized. They serve as a central clearinghouse for NGOs and their clients. We personally get to experience the relief and appreciation of the benefactors and see these meals making a direct impact.” Ms. Tan wholeheartedly believes in the words of President Jimmy Carter, and strives to live by them: “I have one life and one chance to make it count for something… My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am, whenever I can, for as long as I can, with whatever I have to try to make a difference.”


Josiah & Matthew

9 year old Josiah and 13 year old Matthew are FBSG’s little volunteers. While they may be ‘little’ in size, they’re ‘giant’ in impact!

The sibling duo @matthewnjosiah package and deliver emergency rations and bank cards to FBSG beneficiaries.

Their father armjwong beams with pride as he shares that “Josiah and Matthew want to help more people. They know they can bring food to them and help make their lives a bit better.”

Philanthropic acts help young volunteers develop gratitude. Volunteering has shown to increase self-esteem and build empathy.

Connect with us to learn how you too can get involved and be part of our incredible volunteer community.