
Mike Woon

Meet Mike Woon, FBSG’s superstar volunteer driver.

In 2019, Mike responded to our request for volunteers for our ‘Drive Hunger Away’ event, and he hasn’t stopped since! In fact in 2021, he recruited his son, to volunteer for the same event. They ended up having a great father-son duo bonding time.

Come rain or shine, Mike is always there. He is diligent and dependable, always willing to go the extra mile.

Mike is an outspoken supporter of FBSG. He shares with pride his experiences with distributing emergency food rations: “The ones who are always very excited to see me are the kids who are very eager to receive the “goodie” bags. It never fails to bring me extreme joy whenever I see them all excitedly asking, Uncle, what did you bring for us?”

To learn more about how you too can contribute to our community and be part of this gratifying experience, email us at

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