Whistle-Blowing Policy


The Food Bank Singapore Ltd (FBSG) conducts its daily business with its employees, its stakeholders, and partners and suppliers in a manner which demonstrate its high standards of transparency, integrity, compliance, and accountability.

  1. Policy Objective and Scope – the policy aims to provide a means by which employees or members of the public can report any activity which negatively impacts on the above, or violates the law, so that FBSG can take the relevant action.
  2. Underlying Commitment of Protection from FBSG – that the complainant can in good faith, raise the concerns with the assurance that they will be protected from any reprisals or victimisation or harassment from FBSG because of their report. Any employee who reports a concern will be protected from any adverse employment actions.Any employee who engages in retaliatory action against an employee who has made a report, will be dealt with in accordance with FBSG’s Disciplinary Procedure.
  3. Whistle – Blowing Concerns – The policy covers serious concerns that could have a significant impact on FBSG; such concerns could include, but are not limited to — fraudulent activity, incorrect financial reporting, bribery and corruption, conflict of interest, harassment, and breach of policy.
  4. Confidentiality – Each and every report of a whistle – blowing concern remains confidential to the extent possible to meet the needs of any investigation.
  5. Reporting Channels – any complainant should report his/her concerns via e-mail to – auditchairman@foodbank.sg, or by postal mail to – the Audit Chairman, The Food Bank Singapore Ltd, 218 Pandan Loop #06-03, Singapore 128408.In the event that the complaint is about the Audit Chairman personally, the complainant should contact the Executive Director by email or post.
  6. Acknowledgement – The Audit Chairman will acknowledge receipt of the claim to the complainant within 5 business days (excluding the date of receipt). The AC will formally update the complainant within the first 28 days period (excluding the date of receipt), and will aim to complete the investigation within the first 90 days (excluding the date of receipt)
  7. Assessment of concerns raised – The Audit Chairman will make an individual assessment of the concern raised and decide whether an investigation is required; he/she will formally record the basis of the decision whether to proceed or not.
  8. Investigation – In the event of an investigation being required, the Audit Chairman will set up an Investigation Team; as well as the Audit Chairman, this will comprise of two additional independent Team Members, who are not connected in any way to the concern raised. Such independent Team members do not necessarily have to be Board Directors or Board Committee members of any company but would possess sufficient experience and expertise to be perceived by the complainant as being both independent and of suitable calibre.The Investigation Team will conduct an impartial investigation of the concern raised and formally record its findings. The Audit Chairman will present the recommendations (including any implementation date) to the Chairman of the Board, whose decision will be final. If necessary, the Audit Chairman will refer the matter to an external agency.
    If the concern raised is related to the actions of the Chairman of the Board, the Audit Chairman will make the recommendations to the Board Directors, whose decision will be final based on a simple majority of the Directors.
  9. Follow Up – It is the responsibility of the Audit Chairman to ensure that the decision(s) confirmed are implemented, and to inform the complainant of the outcome of his/her claim in writing.