
Grace Goh

Grace Goh, our volunteer driver exudes so much positive energy that you are bound to be inspired.

She has been volunteering with FBSG since September 2021. As a member of the Pink Car Club, she also volunteered her time to participate in our regional #DriveHungerAway edition this year. She was impressed by how well the event was organised and loved how it felt like being a part of a fun carnival.

Besides being a volunteer with FBSG, Grace also works with an animal shelter to support their cause.

“My approach towards volunteer/charity work is like exercise. It’s not always comfortable but it’s ultimately always good for you.

I often tell people that there’s so many types of exercise we can do, the important thing is to find the one that you enjoy,
and then it will be easier to stick with it and make it a habit.
So likewise, for charity work, there are so many different options out there, we just need to find a cause that we can identify with,
and if the organisation’s options for volunteer work matches your needs, then the fit is right, and it will be easy to continue helping regularly.”

If you too are looking for volunteering opportunities with FBSG, send an email to and we will match you to an opportunity that best suits your skills. See you soon!

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